What Is a Cloud Voip? Technology Demystified

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Has your business been struggling to keep up communications with customers? Do you wonder how to streamline your communications techniques and customer service?

Cloud VoIP solutions could be the customer service solution to all of your business needs. Let us tell you how and why they’re so effective.

What Is a Cloud Phone System?

Cloud VoIP technologies are telephone platforms hosted by third-party providers.  These types of phone systems offer security features and automated assistance such as extension dialing, auto attendants, and conference bridges.

Phone systems switched over to VoIP systems in the mid-90s.  Cloud VoIP increases security by installing telephony software to a server. They also improve connections by connecting phones through their IP network.

Many small to medium-sized companies wonder whether a cloud VoIP is worth it because of its overhead costs. But the internet made it easier for smaller companies to adopt cloud VoIP technologies.

Many VoIP companies offer packages without overhead, eliminating IT costs.  Cloud VoIP systems free companies from IT overhead costs, but they also offer many more benefits.

Cloud VoIP Benefits

Cloud VoIP systems change companies’ communication capabilities. VoIP stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol. This means calls are placed over the internet.

There are many benefits to taking calls over the internet. One benefit is that you have better telephone connections and more devices to make telephone connections. The main benefit, however, is cost reduction.

Lower Costs

Third-party Cloud VoIP systems are less expensive than basic phone systems and on-site VoIP systems. Think about whether your company places long-distance phone calls. It’s cheaper to place those calls over the internet than through landlines.

Choosing a cloud VoIP system is a lot like opting for Gmail instead of creating a new email service. The perks are obvious: a more user-friendly experience, a more recognizable platform, and more resources.

Having a third-party managed phone system saves companies the hassle of configuring their phone services, which in turn,  saves time and money on maintenance.

Keep Your Company’s Information Safe

Cloud VoIP technologies keep company data secure. VoIP hacking is more common than people realize. Creating your own system leaves your company vulnerable to cyber-attacks. VoIP hackers hack your platform, make phone calls, and control phone systems using company money.

Cloud VoIP systems keep company information safe with embedded security protocols. Businesses have a lot to focus on without worrying about phone system hackers. Let professionals take the burden off your shoulders.

Easy to Use

Cloud VoIP systems make everyday interactions easier for businesses. Adding employee extensions is simple with cloud VoIP technology, and can be done by any employee with the right credentials.

This mode of making changes is much more efficient because businesses don’t have to rely on IT workers.

Scalability & Remote Working

Because of COVID-19, companies feel the pressure to move their in-house operations to remote locations. Hosted phone systems allow employees to log into company systems from anywhere they want.

The internet hosts Cloud VoIP so employees can also register their mobile phones from anywhere with internet access. It won’t matter whether they’re at lunch, or home, companies can have on-call employees 24 hours a day.

Millions of people work remotely today, and that number continues to rise. Companies who fall behind and opt-out of cloud VoIP technologies will have a tough time staying current and communicating with their employees.

A Few More Features

Find Me, Follow Me 

A feature that enables employees to receive or place a call on multiple devices using the same extension. Employees could hook up their iPad, go on vacation, and still have all the information they need at their fingertips.

Team Collaboration

Team communication features accomplish more than just increasing remote communications. Team collaboration features include screen sharing, file sharing, and document editing. Imagine employees editing the same document remotely.

Video Meetings

Video meetings are more important than ever because businesses are moving their operations to remote locations. Video meetings are the perfect substitute for in-person meetings.

Having a phone meeting is great, but what if your employees need to discuss graphs or designs? Video meetings offer a clear picture and give your remote employees efficient communication.

Live Receptionist

With the increase in technology, customers think they should be able to reach companies all the time. That’s simply not realistic. Or is it? With the Live Receptionist feature, the host answers all your business’s calls.

Live receptionists can direct customers to the correct department or send them to voicemail when no one is present.

Customers crave the sound of the human voice. Having a human voice greeting all of your potential customers can turn a one-time caller into a repeat customer.

Click and Drag Configuration

As previously mentioned, traditional cloud-based communication systems required a lot of IT guidance and maintenance. But features such as click and drag configuration eliminate the need for continued IT input. Now, CEOs and branch managers can configure the system the way they deem best.

CEOs and managers can manage call routes and call flows using just their mouse. No more need for complex coding lessons.

Choosing a Cloud VoIP System

Choosing a cloud VoIP system can be challenging. That doesn’t mean it’s not worth it. Whether you’re a small, medium, or a large business, cloud VoIP technologies can radically change your success and growth rate.

Choosing a system often comes down to budgeting, but it also depends on how many features you need, and how much security your business needs.

Different companies cater to varying sizes of business. Don’t get left behind by technology. Cloud VoIP is your ticket to the future business environment. Click here to discover what cloud VoIP works best for your company!

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